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Version: Latest

Frequently Asked Questions

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries with your existing data. It provides a more efficient, powerful, and flexible alternative to REST and offers improved performance and flexibility by allowing clients to define the structure of the responses they receive.

How do I test my GraphQL queries?

You can use various tools to test your GraphQL queries. Utilizing our Developer Portal with the Explorer, you can run a query and receive sample data. This allows you to troubleshoot and understand the output before implementing it into your application.

What are the source types for the different AlphaSense content?

Source List

  • 1: Event Transcripts
  • 2: T/G - Guidance, Update, Mid-Q, Strategy
  • 3: T/E - Earnings calls
  • 4: T/SA - Sales, revenue updates
  • 5: T/CP - Conference presentations
  • 6: T/AS - Analyst, investor, shareholder meetings
  • 7: T/SS - M&A, special situations
  • 68: Company Presentations
  • 15: Major SEC Filings
  • 16: 10K/10KA - Annual filings
  • 17: 10KT/10KTA - Transition reports annual
  • 18: 10Q/10QA - Quarterly filings
  • 19: 10QT/10QTA - Transition reports quarterly
  • 20: 8K/8KA - Event filings
  • 21: NT 10K/10KA - Notifications of late filing annual
  • 22: NT 10Q/10QA - Notifications of late filing quarterly
  • 23: ADR Filings
  • 28: SEC Correspondence
  • 500: Insider Ownership Forms
  • 30: Proxy Filings
  • 46: Registration Statements
  • 55: Ownership Statements
  • 1300: Investment Company forms
  • 1030: Press Releases
  • 3000: Macroeconomic
  • 3200: Regulatory
  • 17000: Business News
  • 18000: General News
  • 19000: Market News
  • 20000: Trade Publications
  • 22000: Thought Leadership

What are some common errors in the response?

  • 403 - Forbidden; either you are using the wrong credentials to call the Auth API, your token has expired, or you do not have the permissions to access that specific query;
  • 429 - Too many requests based on your current rate limiting tier. You are limited to a certain number of calls per second, and if you pass that, you will receive a 429 error;
  • 504 - Gateway Timeout, there was an internal issue like a connection failure to a specific service; please try again with the same parameters

What content am I entitled to?

You have access to all the same content as the AlphaSense UI but are limited based on the FAQ below.

What are the limitations of the API compared to the UI?

Based on content restrictions, we cannot provide Global Filings, ESG content, and Broker Research snippets through the API.

How can I view the full content?

Within the API response, pull back the ID section in the response. Using that ID, you can add that to the URL and go to that specific document on the AlphaSense UI or External DocViewer.

How do I paginate through the results?

For most queries, AlphaSense’s search API will return a ‘cursor.’ This cursor designates where the next set of results from that search lives. Calling the exact search while using the updated cursor will allow you to move forward

How does AlphaSense version their API?

Unlike REST, GraphQL favors evolving the API over versioning. This means that instead of creating a new version of our API when we make changes, we add new fields and deprecate old ones, which clients can then move over to at their own pace.

How can you get support?

Anytime you have a question, please reach out to!