Sample Use Cases
Summary by Companies
Allows clients to execute keyword searches and obtain a count of documents associated with each company within a specified timeframe. This query helps in assessing the relevance and volume of information related to specific companies.
Allows clients to identify and analyze emerging trends by performing keyword searches over time and visualizing the frequency of these keywords. This functionality is useful for tracking the rise or decline of specific topics across various document universes, helping businesses stay informed about trending topics.
Company Tear Sheet
This guide demonstrates how to build a custom Company Tear Sheet using the AlphaSense SDK, allowing clients to view the latest sentiment, topics, and information about a company through a web interface.
This guide demonstrates how to build a standard Dashboard using the AlphaSense SDK incorporating 3 built-in searches, allows clients to efficiently navigate through vast datasets, apply advanced analytics, and extract meaningful insights
Trending Information Dashboard
This guide demonstrates how to build a Trending Information Dashboard using the AlphaSense SDK, allowing clients to view a dashboard of trending information, dynamically generated from fetched results and visualized through charts.
Expert Transcript Download
This guide helps clients retrieve the full text transcripts from the Tegus and AlphaSense repositories. It will provide information from start to finish on authenticating, searching, and downloading the full text transcripts.