2024-05-06 changelogs
GraphQL changes
- Type CommonUserDocumentType was added
- Type DocumentImage was added
- Type ExpertCallContent was added
- Type ExpertCallsDocumentType was added
- Input ImageFilter was added
- Type NoteDocumentType was added
- Input SearchDocumentImageFilter was added
- Type SearchDocumentImageResponse was added
- Type SourceInfo was added
- Interfaces UserDocumentType was added
- Type WebClipperDocumentType was added
- Field hasSummaries was added to object type
- Field lastProcessedAt was added to object type
- Field summary was added to object type
- Field source was added to object type
- Field images was added to object type
- Field imageCount was added to object type
- Input field KeywordFilter.query description changed from `Can contain simple keywords as well as logical expressions.
- Field username was added to object type
- Field searchDocumentImages was added
to object type
- Field SentimentCountV2.total description
changed from
count of sentiments including(positive, negative, neutral) for the given company topic @exposed
toCount of sentiments including(positive, negative, neutral) for the given company topic @exposed
- Field SentimentCountV2.positive
description changed from
no of times topic has been discussed in positive context @exposed
toNumber of times topic has been discussed in positive context @exposed
- Field SentimentCountV2.negative
description changed from
no of times topic has been discussed in negative context @exposed
toNumber of times topic has been discussed in negative context @exposed
- Field SentimentCountV2.neutral
description changed from
no of times topic has been discussed in neutral context @exposed
toNumber of times topic has been discussed in neutral context @exposed