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type Document {
id: String!
releasedAt: Float!
type: DocumentType!
title: String!
pageCount: Int!
lastProcessedAt: Float!
summary: [String!]
category: CompanyDocumentCategory = PRIMARY
): [Company!]!
countryCodes: [String!]
source: SourceInfo
sentiment: Sentiment
sectors: [IndustrySector!]
industries: [IndustryBranch!]
subIndustries: [SubIndustry!]
kpiClusters: [DocumentKpiCluster!]!
topicClusters: [DocumentTopicCluster!]
images: [DocumentImage!]
imageCount: Int!
relevanceScore: Float
keywordFilter: KeywordHitsFilter
limit: Int = 5
offset: Int = 0
): KeywordResult
aiSummaryModules: [AISummaryModule]

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

Primary document id @exposed

Document.releasedAt ● Float! non-null scalar

Time value as epoch when document was released by vendor. This is acceptance date time for public documents.

Exact meaning may be different for different document types. @exposed

Document.type ● DocumentType! non-null interface

Interface describes document's type (filing type, source type, etc). Implementations could provide type-specific additional data. @exposed

Document.title ● String! non-null scalar

Document title @exposed

Document.pageCount ● Int! non-null scalar

Number of pages in a document. For some cases when the number of pages is not defined for a document, it would be 0. @exposed

Document.lastProcessedAt ● Float! non-null scalar

The date and time when the document was last processed. This refers to the most recent processing of the document. @exposed

Document.summary ● [String!] list scalar

The summary of document as list of statements. This field can be empty as every document doesn't have summary @exposed

Document.companies ● [Company!]! non-null object

Fetch companies. By default only primary companies are loaded.

To load both primary and secondary companies use aliases:

{ primary: companies { ... } secondary: companies(primaryOnly: False) { ... } } @exposed

Document.companies.category ● CompanyDocumentCategory enum

Document.countryCodes ● [String!] list scalar

Country codes in ISO-3166-A2 format Eg: US, FI @exposed

Document.source ● SourceInfo object

Contains key information about where a document comes from @exposed

Document.sentiment ● Sentiment object

Document sentiment data (the tone of a document on a spectrum of positive to negative). This value is available for specific types of documents only (for example, Transcripts). @exposed

Document.sectors ● [IndustrySector!] list object

GICS Sectors of the document, if available. Eg: 10 Energy @exposed ● [IndustryBranch!] list object

GICS Industries of the document, if available. Eg: 101010: Energy Equipment & Services @exposed

Document.subIndustries ● [SubIndustry!] list object

GICS Sub-industries of the document, if available. Eg: 10101010: Oil & Gas Drilling @exposed

Document.kpiClusters ● [DocumentKpiCluster!]! non-null object

Document KPIs are the Key Performance Indicators discussed in a given document and they are tied to some numeric value like a financial metrics that impact a business. This fields gives you all KPI Clusters for KPIs within document Eg: "Margins" as a cluster title, will most likely have this KPI Cluster name: "amount" value: "23.5%" DocumentKpiCluster data is only available for limited document types. Eg: Event Transcripts, Expert Calls. @exposed

Document.topicClusters ● [DocumentTopicCluster!] list object

This field gives the themes clusters of topics/key phrases from document. DocumentTopicCluster data is only available for limited document types. Eg: Event Transcripts, Expert Calls. @exposed

Document.images ● [DocumentImage!] list object


Document.imageCount ● Int! non-null scalar


Document.relevanceScore ● Float scalar

Only available in the scope of a search query and shows how relevant the document is for the search parameters. A float value between 0 (least relevant) and 100 (most relevant). @exposed

Document.snippets ● KeywordResult object

Allows getting snippets for the search query. API requests for snippets in Research documents are not supported. @exposed

Document.snippets.keywordFilter ● KeywordHitsFilter input

By default coming from search. The 'scope' field is ignored at the moment.

Document.snippets.limit ● Int scalar

Limits the number of snippets to return. The maximum limit is 20.

Document.snippets.offset ● Int scalar

Offset the results for pagination purposes

Document.aiSummaryModules ● [AISummaryModule] list object

AISummaryModules containing generated AI summaries for the document. @exposed

Member of

AISummaryModule object ● AISummaryReference object ● DocumentImage object ● SearchResponse object