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A reference to a data source that was used for generating one or more AISummaryItems.

type AISummaryReference {
id: ID!
titleLong: String
document: Document
statementId: String
statementIds: [Int!]
page: Int
pages: [Int!]
statementText: String
company: Company

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

An identifier of the reference.

Could assist in identifying whether multiple AISummaryItems were generated with the help of the same data source. @exposed

AISummaryReference.titleLong ● String scalar

A long title for the reference. @exposed

AISummaryReference.document ● Document object

The document that was used as a data source. @exposed

AISummaryReference.statementId ● String scalar

A unique identifier for a statement within a document. @exposed

AISummaryReference.statementIds ● [Int!] list scalar

A list of statement ids for paragraph level highlighting within a document. @exposed ● Int scalar

Page number of the document in which the statement is present. @exposed

AISummaryReference.pages ● [Int!] list scalar

A list of page numbers for paragraph level highlighting within a document. @exposed

AISummaryReference.statementText ● String scalar

Snippet text which is used in summary generation. ● Company object

Company associated with the document used for summary generation.

Member of

AISummaryItem object