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type Watchlist {
id: Int!
name: String!
shared: Boolean!
modifiedDate: DateTime!
author: PublicUserInfo
companies: [Company!]!

Fields ● Int! non-null scalar

Watchlist ID @exposed ● String! non-null scalar

Watchlist name, has to be unique on user-level. @exposed

Watchlist.shared ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Watchlist shared status. If true, then watchlist is available to other users in the company. @exposed

Watchlist.modifiedDate ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Last time watchlist was modified. If it wasn't modified, creation date is used. @exposed ● PublicUserInfo object

Original author of the watchlist, if watchlist is queried for user who doesn't own it. Fetching additional watchlists for author (nested watchlists fetching) is not supported. @exposed

Watchlist.companies ● [Company!]! non-null object

List of companies related to the watchlist. @exposed

Returned by

WatchlistMutation__create mutation ● WatchlistMutation__patch mutation

Member of

User object ● WatchlistEdge object ● WatchlistMutation object ● WatchlistsConnection object