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Version: Beta



A group of AISummaries.

The AISummaries in the group are logically connected to each other in some way. For example, an AISummary with topic "Analyst Perspective: Highlights" is grouped together with an AISummary with topic "Analyst Perspective: Lowlights".

type AISummaryTopicGroup implements AISummaryTopic {
id: ID!
title: String!
subTopics: [AISummary!]

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar


AISummaryTopicGroup.title ● String! non-null scalar


AISummaryTopicGroup.subTopics ● [AISummary!] list object

Topics contained within the topic group. @exposed


AISummaryTopic interface

A topic within an AISummaryModule.

A topic is some subject or question, for which AI summaries have been generated.