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Version: Beta


type CompanyTopicV2 {
companyId: String!
name: String!
encapsulatedTopics: [String!]
momentumScore: Float
affinityScore: Float
relevanceScore: Float
sentimentCount: SentimentCountV2
totalMentionsTrends: [Int!]
sentimentTrends: [TopicSentimentTrend!]


CompanyTopicV2.companyId ● String! non-null scalar

Internal AlphaSense company ID @exposed ● String! non-null scalar

name of the topic @exposed

CompanyTopicV2.encapsulatedTopics ● [String!] list scalar

The encapsulated topics are the synonym's of the topic. For example, if the topic name is 'Profit' then encapsulatedTopics will be 'Future profitability', 'Profits', 'Increased profitability', etc. @exposed

CompanyTopicV2.momentumScore ● Float scalar

%change in mentions in most recent 3 months compared to prior 3 months @exposed

CompanyTopicV2.affinityScore ● Float scalar

measure of how unique the topic is for the company compared to other topics @exposed

CompanyTopicV2.relevanceScore ● Float scalar

measure of how relevant the topic is to the given company @exposed

CompanyTopicV2.sentimentCount ● SentimentCountV2 object

Overall sentiment count of topic over a period. @exposed

CompanyTopicV2.totalMentionsTrends ● [Int!] list scalar

Total mention counts of topic over a period. @exposed

CompanyTopicV2.sentimentTrends ● [TopicSentimentTrend!] list object

Month wise sentiment count of topic over a period. @exposed

Member of

CompanyTopicsData object