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Version: Beta



Specific KPI within document with rank and its occurrence count around positive, negative sentiments

type DocumentKpiCluster {
name: String!
rank: Float!
sentimentCounts: SentimentCounts
netMentionCount: Int
kpiList: [DocumentKpi!]

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

This field gives the KPI cluster title @exposed

DocumentKpiCluster.rank ● Float! non-null scalar

This field gives a score of how important the KPI cluster is to the document Eg: A number between 0 and 1. 1 means highest score @exposed

DocumentKpiCluster.sentimentCounts ● SentimentCounts object

This field gives number of occurrences of topic around different sentiment polarities (positive/negative/neutral) in the document Eg: Neutral 2 mentions, Positive 4 mentions, Negative 0 mention @exposed

DocumentKpiCluster.netMentionCount ● Int scalar

This field gives count of difference of KPI occurances from previous transcript earnings call document. It will be zero for non-earnings call document. Eg: 5 means, 5 mentions @exposed

DocumentKpiCluster.kpiList ● [DocumentKpi!] list object

This field provides access to the source text where a KPI is found Eg: kpiList will contain list of topics, for given examples Organization", neutral 2 mentions, positive 4 mentions @exposed

Member of

Document object