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Version: Beta


type Sentiment {
net: Float!
change: Float
totalPositiveCount: Int!
totalNegativeCount: Int!
totalStatements: Int!

Fields ● Float! non-null scalar

Cumulative, normalized value of sentiment in the document. The value varies from -1 (very negative) to 1 (very positive). @exposed

Sentiment.change ● Float scalar

Difference in overall sentiment in this document compared to a previous value.

For example, for Transcripts it can be a difference since the previous quarter’s earnings transcript for the company. @exposed

Sentiment.totalPositiveCount ● Int! non-null scalar

Count of positive statements in the document @exposed

Sentiment.totalNegativeCount ● Int! non-null scalar

Count of negative statements in the document @exposed

Sentiment.totalStatements ● Int! non-null scalar

Total count of assessed statements in the document @exposed

Member of

Document object