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Version: Beta



Base information about a Company.

This type includes identifiers of a company from various "company universes", as well as some additional fields that help in distinguishing the company.

Example use cases: in watchlists, or documents associated to certain companies.

type Company {
id: String!
name: String!
primaryTickerCode: String
country: Country
type: CompanyType
sector: IndustrySector
industry: IndustryBranch
subIndustry: SubIndustry
isin: String
crunchbaseId: String
cik: String
paginationFilter: TopicsPaginationFilter
dataFilter: CompanyTopicsFilter
): CompanyTopicsData
primary: Boolean
aiSummaryModules: [AISummaryModule]
hasSummaries: Boolean

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

Internal AlphaSense ID @exposed ● String! non-null scalar

Full company name @exposed

Company.primaryTickerCode ● String scalar

Example: GOOG or AAPL. It's null for private companies. @exposed ● Country object

Country of the Company: Eg: US - United States @exposed

Company.type ● CompanyType enum

Shows if it's a public or private company @exposed

Company.sector ● IndustrySector object

Sector in GICS Taxonomy (Does not include branches/industries). Eg: 10 - Energy

Note that the "Company.sector.branches" lists all IndustryBranches for the IndustrySector. If you instead want to find out the specific IndustryBranch for this Company, use the "Company.industry" field. @exposed

Company.industry ● IndustryBranch object

Industry in GICS Taxonomy (Does not include sub-industries). Eg: 101010 - Energy Equipment & Services

Note that the "Company.industry.subIndustries" lists all SubIndustries for the IndustryBranch. If you instead want to find out the SubIndustry for this Company, use the "Company.subIndustry" field. @exposed

Company.subIndustry ● SubIndustry object

Sub-industry in GICS Taxonomy. Eg: 10101010 - Oil & Gas Drilling @exposed

Company.isin ● String scalar

ISIN code for the company if exists @exposed

Company.crunchbaseId ● String scalar

Identifier from the Crunchbase platform.

The 'id' field (internal AlphaSense ID) of some of the companies is identical to their Crunchbase ID.

The Crunchbase ID also corresponds to the 'uuid' field in the CompanyProfile type. @exposed

Company.cik ● String scalar

Central Index Key (CIK) number.

This is a number given to an individual, company, or foreign government by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). @exposed

Company.trendingTopics ● CompanyTopicsData object

Trending topics for a particular company @exposed

Company.trendingTopics.paginationFilter ● TopicsPaginationFilter input

pagination filter includes parameter related to pageSize, offset and sorting

Company.trendingTopics.dataFilter ● CompanyTopicsFilter input

data filter includes topic name and time frame, if topic name is passed returns data for that single topic

Company.primary ● Boolean scalar


Company.aiSummaryModules ● [AISummaryModule] list object

AISummaryModules containing generated AI summaries for the company. @exposed

Company.hasSummaries ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the company has summaries available or not. Returns true if there are summaries available for the company, false otherwise. @exposed

Returned by

companies query

Member of

AISummaryReference object ● Document object ● ExpertEmploymentRecord object ● Watchlist object

Implemented by

DocumentCountGroupingProperty union