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Version: v1.7.0

Expert Calls Compliance

Expert Calls Compliance is a configurable set of preferences used to have control over searched expert calls content. To set up expert calls compliance, you need to configure three main settings:

  • Compliance Officer Email: Within the company, access to expert call documents can be restricted, requiring users to request permission to view the content. These requests are reviewed and can be approved or rejected by a compliance officer. To impose these restrictions on a user, first ensure they are assigned the "Private Company Compliance Access" license. The user will then need to request access to expert calls content, and the compliance officer will be notified via email to approve or reject the request.

  • Analyst Whitelist: This configuration specifies a list of whitelisted companies, enabling users to access only expert call documents conducted by analysts from these specified companies.

  • Public Expert Calls Threshold: This is the number of months since an expert has left their position at a given public company (6mo, 12mo, 24mo etc). For example: if the threshold is set to 6, then all expert calls conducted by experts who have been part of a public company during the call or anytime during the 6 months prior to the call won’t show up to the user.

  • How To Configure Compliance Settings

  • Restrict Users to access only Approved Content